Create & Play, XR

From amateurs to professionals, create and share XR interactive content regardless of genre or field.

New content. New experience. New communication

XR Interactive Content

Beyond 2D-based digital content, 3D, AR, VR, etc Converged XR interactive content provides new experiences, fun and immersion.

Beyond 2D-based digital content, 3D, AR, VR, etc Converged XR interactive content provides new experiences, fun and immersion.





2D, 3D, AR, XR.

Interactive content in a variety of environments

From light snack content to storytelling based content. Spread your freedom of creation in any form or way you want.

XR Interactive Content Experience it firsthand

  • partner-meta
  • partner-ms
  • partner-google
  • partner-samsung-ea
  • partner-everland
  • partner-sm
  • partner-louisquatorze
  • partner-daekyo
  • partner-junghan
  • partner-nfm
  • partner-nmkpg
  • partner-nie
  • partner-i815

It's easy for anyone to

imagine with content

Everyone is a creator

The freedom of creation enjoyed at apoc

Visual coding

Building 'Action blocks'

Add behaviors in a drag&drop

format without learning to code.

Rich  asset   offerings

Provides the assets you need to

create XR interactive content.

Freedom to work anywhere, anytime 

Create right in your browser

without downloading heavy software or apps.

devices  Unlimited

Play content on mobile, tablet, PC,

and HMD without limitations.

Quick Share  with a link

Copy link to your own content

and quickly share it with others.

apoc  XR Content Eco-System

  • Search, trade assets for content creation

  • Create your own content in web No-code authoring tool

  • XR interactive content sharing and play platform

    Play and showcase interactive content

  • APOC user meetups to share tips and tricks

    Communication space for all customers